Animal Welfare Society

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All Together!

With your help, KIVOTOS Mytilene has achieved the following since 2014


The stray animals we found a new home for, all of them chipped and vaccinated


The abandoned animals for which we found a foster home


The female stray dogs we sterilized


The female stray cats we sterilized


€ spent on stray animals’ veterinary care


€ the fines we helped imposed on cases of animal abuse


The animal welfare society "KIVOTOS Mytilene" was established in July 2008 with an aim to help the animals in need and to curb the number of stray/abandoned animals on Lesvos. Our members include inhabitants of Lesvos yet also individuals from all over Greece and abroad.

Become our Member

What We Do:

1. We sterilize, vaccinate and offer anti-parasite care to stray animals.

2. We assist in the transportation of injured and sick animals to the vets we cooperate with -and foster them through our members’ network until they recover- when the Municipal Stray Animals’ Shelter is NOT available.

3. We find suitable families for adopting the puppies and kittens which are born (or more usually abandoned!) on Lesvos.

4. We make sure that all animals we give for adoption are micro-chipped, thus they are protected against theft, loss and/or abandonment.

5. We maintain a Facebook page for updating our members and all those interest in animal welfare).

6. In cooperation with the Dutch animal welfare group CANILOS, we have installed and run a number of food & water spots for stray animals throughout the town of Mytilene.

7. We check all reports of animal abuses, in co-operation with the Greek Police.

8. Once a year, we offer female dogs owners’ reduced prices for sterilizing their pet.

9. We run an educational program for elementary and high-school children so the young ones will be sensitize on issues of animal protection and care.

ALL our activities are supported SOLELY by individual donations and membership fees. We do NOT receive any financial support from local government or any other public agency!

If you have any queries, check the ‘Frequent Questions’ section or press the following button.


You CAN help!

How could you help the stray and abandoned animals on Lesvos?

1. Become a member of KIVOTOS Mytilene.

2. Sterilize and neuter your pets – around 70% of “stray” animals in Greece are actually unwanted litters which are abandoned in the streets.

3. Adopt a stray animal- cause you can’t buy love! If you want to adopt a puppy or a kitten contact us or check KIVOTOS’ Facebook page (which is updated daily).

4. Do care for the stray animals in your neighborhood. Place outside your door a can of water and/or some dry food for the stray animals. If you notice a seemingly sick animals, do contact the Municipal Centre for Stray Animals (+302251025196) or us, so we may help them.

5. You may assist us financially either by contributing through our Collection Boxes (to be found at stores throughout Mytilene as well as Mytilene’s airport).

6. Report animal abuse. If you witness any case of violence against animals, contact us immediately. Animal abuse is a crime and it is severely punished under Greek Law (Law 4039/2012).

7. Love the animals- and they will return your loving tenfold!

Make your Donation


You may make your donation though:

1. Bank Transfer, Bank Name: EFG Eurobank Ergasias
Bank Account: 0026 0319 6601 0127 7852
IBAN GR 6502 6031 90000 6601 0127 7852

2. Through our Collection Boxes (to be found at stores throughout Mytilene as well as Mytilene’s airport)!(click here to see the boxes’ map)

3. Through PAYPAL, either by selecting any amount you wish here or byselecting one of the pre-ordained PAYPAL support packages, ranging from 2€ to 80€:

Every single you donate to KIVOTOS contributes to the expenses of INJURED/SICK stray animals!


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Τζόυς Ευείδη Ελληνιδα ηθοποιος

Βρήκα την Τζίνα μέσα από την ΚΙΒΩΤΟΣ, ένα φιλοζωικό σωματείο της Μυτιλήνης, κακοποιημένη και τρομαγμένη. Εκείνη την περίοδο ήμουν πιεσμένη, γιατί έτρεχα με τους γονείς μου στα νοσοκομεία και είχα χάσει το σκύλο που είχα μέχρι τότε. Έχω πάρει πολλή αγάπη από την Τζίνα, η οποία με έβγαλε από την κατάθλιψη.

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Canilos animal foundation

A major support for us hereby is Dr. Iosif Botetzagias (Associate Professor of Environmental Politics & Policy), working at the University of Mytilini, the capital of Lesbos. Because of his Greek citizenship and because he is an important partner in existing animal welfare organizations as chairman of "Kivotos", he is able to open many doors for us.

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Μαίρη Μπουλμπούλη Πολιτης Ν.Λεσβου

Ένα μεγάλο μπράβο!!! Το λέω μέσα από την καρδιά μου γιατί προσωπικά όποτε χρειάστηκα την βοήθεια της "ΚΙΒΩΤΟΥ" για αδεσποτάκια, ήταν παρόν!!! Εύχομαι ο χρόνος που έρχεται να έχει περισσότερο εθελοντισμό, αλληλεγγύη, ανθρωπισμό και λιγότερους άστεγους και αδέσποτα!!!

Become our Member!

Are you a friend of KIVOTOS Mytilene?

Then do consider of becoming our MEMBER!

Thus you will not only help stray animals but also benefit from a number of offers!


Here you may also find the pet shops and vet clinics which offer discounts to KIVOTOS members.

Frequently Asked Questions

Adopting Fostering

How may I adopt or foster a stray animal?

All animals in need of a permanent family and/or foster home may be found on our FB page click here.

Virtual Adoption

How can I help an animal without adopting/fostering it;

There are many animals which are in grave need of (long-/short-term) veterinary care! Helping them is a daily struggle and you can help us in this effort by “virtually adopting” an animal in need, i.e. covering its veterinary expenses.

You may check for the animals in need of veterinary care through here our by contacting us. You can make your donation through here.

Who is responsible

Taking care and providing for stray animals in Greece:

According to Greek legislation, taking care and providing for the stray animals in an area is the responsibility of the local Municipality. The Municipality of Lesvos has been running, in accordance to the law, a Municipal Centre for Stray Animals (phone: +30 2251025196, hours of working: Mon-Fri, 09:00-14:30). The voluntary animal welfare groups may (and do) help the local authority but under no circumstances can they substitute it!

Fostering stray animals

Why KIVOTOS does not take in the stray animal I found?

KIVOTOS Mytilene does NOT have a shelter, thus we can NOT take in stray puppy/kitten you have found. Yet we can help you in finding it a permanent family or a foster home! We may assist you with its veterinary care, strerilization and feeding the animal while trying to find it a forever-home!

Animal Abuse

Reporting Animal Abuse:

KIVOTOS Mytilene may help you in cases of improper behavior towards animals and we will be actively engage in cases of indisputable animal abuse/violence towards animals, yet we CANNOT RESPOND TO ALL CASES.. Animal abuse is a crime under Greek law, and you may contact the local Police Station whenever you witness it occurring.